Spring is trying to push winter out of Kentucky. Of course, we know the weather here. If you wait awhile, you will see sunshine, snow, rain, hail, sleet, 39 degrees, 72 degrees all in the same 24 hour span.
And spring means basketball - whether it is the Sweet Sixteen - this was one of those few times when a mountain team won the state championship - although it isn't Letcher County it was very close - Shelby Valley - near the Letcher/Pike county line. And our champions no matter what year it is - our UK Wildcats are headed to the Sweet Sixteen and then to the Final Four. I know some of your grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles listened to UK games on the radio as if everyone in the family graduated from there. As all the announcers say - there are no fans like UK fans.
We were sorry to hear of Rex Polly's passing. We did learn that Coach Trosper sang at the funeral. We need to keep Lucille Bates Polly and their children in our thoughts and prayers.
When you look back at Coach Trosper, can you believe how young he was when we looked to him as such a leader? Looking back, he was certainly a spring chicken, wasn't he?
Kelly Boggs is back in the hospital in Louisville. The doctors are trying to adjust his medications for his heart.
Happy Birthday next week to our Roving Reporter in Louisville. Larry Britton, age never changes you!
Darrel Stidham sent the following information: "I have talked to the publisher about printing "Quotable Quotes" (473pp), their charge would be around $25.00 per book. I don't know how many would be interested in paying that much for the book. If you would put this on the "blog site" to get some feed back, that would be a great help in my decision to have it published. Excerpts: 'A sheep cannot live nor exist on lion's food. Faithful lips produce the loving words of Jesus that rolls like thunder and flashes like lightening.' "
We know there are classmates out there who do not have a computer and don't read our blog. So we need a big favor from you. If you have a friend that you know who isn't computer literate, would you please remind them of our 70th Birthday Bash on June 26th at General Butler State Park at Carrolton, KY. It is at the first shelter on the right at the entrance to the park.
Tell your friends everyone should bring lawn chairs, drinks and something to munch on that day. Each classmate needs to tell as many other classmates as possible this information so we can encourage everyone to attend the Birthday Bash!!!!!!!