It has been snowy over most of Kentucky during January and February. Sandlick was deep in snow at the end of January.
The Roving Reporter has reported that Bob Stansberry has received his jacket for his million mile safe driving award. How about an "ATTA BOY, BOB" from all of us!!!!!!!!!
Dallas Fields Prewitt has released a CD of religious songs she has written and performed. For your copy, you may contact her at Dallas Prewitt Ministries, P.O. Box 562, Flat Rock, MI 48134. She has recorded two previous CDs and will be bring them to our 70th Birthday Bash in June if you want to wait and purchased yours there.

Fern gave Billy Joe a surprise birthday party in January with his family, co-workers and friends attending. Everyone had a good time and his daughter had done a great job on the cakes and decorations.
Lily Jane also had a surprise birthday party given for her by her sisters, Cordelia and Cecelia. She was very surprised. Lots of good food, presents and family and friends were enjoyed.
As we reach this milestone of 70 years on this earth thoughout this year, send your pictures to charcollins@insightbb.com (or any news you want included) so we can include it on this website.
Our sympathy goes to Pat Fultz and her family. They had a young granddaugher pass away. We will continue prayers for Pat.
Rex Polly is now in the hospital in Pikeville. He is beginning to seem a little stronger. We will continue to pray for Rex and Lucille.