Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lunch at the Grill

We have another roving reporter!!!!!!! Sarah Jane reports the following:

AnnaLee reports that several class members had lunch at Pine Mountain Grill on May 18, 2009.

We saw Anna Lee in Louisville after her doctor's appointment; we had lunch; she shared some of the pictures taken at the lunch.
Anna Lee said they all had a good time discussing old times.
Those attending were Anna Lee Sexton Thomas, Sue Carol Stidham Thomas,
Ernestine Craft Spangler, Linda Pennington Hall, Mercitus Duncil
Adams, Christine Branham Altman (visiting from Florida), Ella Yonts Sparks, James Adams, Raymond and Joyce Thomas, Frank and Geraldine Perry, and Charles Reynolds.

The pictures Anna Lee took are above. If you have trouble recognizing anyone, let me know, Sarah J at Email or contact AnnaLee.

Thanks, Sarah Jane, for letting us know the news. Hope some more of you will let us know what you are doing this summer!

Time with a friend is always well spent... and the work it takes to make it happen is erased the instant you see each other smile.