The WHS Class of 1958 will use any excuse to get together!! Even Anna Lee's doctor's appointment in Louisville can be reason to celebrate! With Larry's great organizing ability, we all got together at Appleby's on Dixie Highway in Louisville on June 12. Who are we all?
Larry and Betty Britton, Anna Lee Sexton Thomas and her daughter, Sarah Jane Hall Unterreiner, Alice Collier Gala, Darrell and Barbara Stidham, Lily Jane Collins McCraven, Ken and Pat Collins, Frieda Moore Howard, Vicki Moore Receveur, Wilma Mason Sexton
Pat Franklin Stallard reported that sahe had lunch with Raymond and Joyce Thomas and Rex and Lucille Polly at the Pine Mountain Grill when she was in Whitesburg for the Stallard Reunion.
Do you have any plans to visit in Whitesburg this summer? Do you still have a homeplace in Letcher County? Let us hear from you soon. Leave a comment. It is very easy!
You can enlarge the pictures to see who you recognize by double clicking on the picture.
The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. - E. Foley