Sarah Jane could not attend because she was in the hospital with a blood clot. She reports she is better now and home.
Larry had a hitch in his get-along (does Larry know he has a get-along?) and was also unable to attend. Although he went to the doctor yesterday and they both agreed he would continue to live - if only to continue to collect classic cars! He does say that June seems to be the preferred month for our 70th birthday party at General Butler State Park.
Larry will give flowers to anyone who can name the people in the pictures at the Pine Mountain Grill for his friend Marty Blair - some have changed too much for Marty to remember them.
There is one catch - you can't be anyone who was there at lunch. Let us hear from you.
(Comment from Marty to Billy Joe - Hey Billy, any way to put the names on the pictures that are posted? I have seen other sites do that and it helps an old mind like mine to remember who they were back then. If any on this mailing list remembers me, shoot me an email and let me know whats going on with you since high school.
Have a great weekend!
Marty Blair)
If you want to send Marty an email and don't have his address - Billy Joe is our official email address keeper.
Speaking of hearing from you - someone sent an anonymous comment about publishing a book soon entitled Quotable Quotes. I can't post the comment unless you are a '58 Yellowjacket. So let us know who you are so we can post the comment. You can continue to comment anonymously - just let us know in the content of the post who you are.
Rosemary is doing well after her eye surgery.
Has anyone heard how Santa Carol Hall is doing? We'd love to know!