Okay, okay - our kids would say - that's a looooooong time ago!!
So let's celebrate our survival!!!
2010 will be our 70th birthday for most of us. Some of us want to throw ourselves a birthday party. We were thinking we would have it at a shelter at General Butler State Park near Carrollton, Kentucky. We need to know if you think June or August would be the best time to have the party. Please let Larry B. know by phone call or email which you prefer and then he can call to make reservations.
Larry wants to make hot dogs using the recipe for chili from the Toot and Tell, a lively spot up on Thornton Hill. Every one would bring a picnic dish that goes with hot dogs!
Annie Lee is practicing her best rendition of "Happy Birthday" so she can lead us all in the song.
So let us know which month you prefer. And plan on attending our birthday party!!