Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

The roving reporter has become the inquiring reporter. He has been inquiring about how many restaurants were available to the Whitesburg High School Seniors in 1958.
He knows that in 1958 there was no McDonalds, Long John Silvers, Kentucky Fried Chicken or any other chain of fast food restaurants in Letcher County.

We didn't have drive-throughs but we did have drive-ins. Like the Dairy Bar or Fernoy's but those were mostly for custard - known now as soft-serve. You could go to a restaurant and get hot dogs or hamburgers - and the french fries were real potatoes - not frozen!

The fastest and cheapest was at home. You might find leftovers or a bologna sandwich or vienna and crackers or potted meat on light bread.

But back to the restaurants. The roving reporter can remember that some of the restaurants had juke boxes and would allow us to dance. Some of them had pool tables and the girls definitely couldn't go into those.

Then there was the decision of what food was the best - according to your memory. Lily Jane remembers the hot dogs and potato salad from Quillen Drug Store fondly. Was that 20 cents if you added a Coke?

Larry remembers the Taste and Tell up at Thornton across from Fernoy's. What can you remember?

Did you ever drive to Neon or Jenkins or Letcher to get something to eat just to aggravate their students?

It has been reported that Charles Reynolds is getting better as is Kelly Boggs.

Billy Joe's little sister, Betty June, needs our prayers because her breathing has become very labored.