We understand there were many cards sent to our roving reporter for his 69th birthday. Also, cakes and cupcakes were sent to his home. There was a small dinner for him at OUR BEST restaurant in Smithfield attended by Sue and Bill Kiser , Barbara and Darrell Stidham, Lily Jane McCraven, Billy Joe Hall and Larry Britton with his lovely wife, Betty.
We hope to be planning a big todo next year for our 70th. Any suggestions?
Charlene and Lily Jane have returned from Key West safely but if only they had been under thirty and had a convertible!!!!
So sorry to hear of Carl Pennington's death and the loss of Robert Collier's mother.
Billie Steve is still going to rehab and having to wear her sling.
Kelly Boggs is not doing as well as we wanted but we keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
Because of a friend's sprained ankle, Lily Jane was unable to connect with Wanda Reynolds while in Florida.
Let us know of any other news happening to our friends and families by email or snail mail.
Spring is coming and it won't be long until we will have our get together at General Butler.