It's March and kite-flying comes to mind. Did we do a lot of kite-flying? I don't think we had the large ones they have now.
And Irish. Are we all a little Irish?
Bob Stansberry had just been rewarded the Million Mile Safe Driving Award. Way to go, Bob! And he is still out there in that truck of his. We have gotten him through another winter, thanks to all who called and talked to him so frequently.
Billie Steve is recovering from her shoulder operation.
Kelly Boggs has been doing his rehab.
Anna Lee sees Charles Reynolds in Church now.
Charlene and Lily Jane will be headed to Florida to visit family and friends next week. How many of us have lived in Florida? I know Wanda Reynolds and Christine Branham Altman do. Lucille and Rex have been down there but will be returning soon.
Do we have any other guest writers out there? Everyone enjoyed reading what Ella Sparks had to say. We'll be talking to you when we get back. Send us an email so we can post your comments for all your classmates.