Some of the 1958 classmates tried to think of some Christmas events that they remember from Whitesburg High School - parties, plays, band concerts, glee club performances. No one can think of any. Can you? Maybe those were only in grade school. What did Mayking, Thornton, Colly, Cumberland River, Millstone, Whitesburg, Cowan elementary schools do for Christmas? Email a memory you have to us and we'll post it.
Our Louisville classmate, Larry, says he has a surefire cure for shingles. If you've ever had a bout with shingles you know how painful it can get. Send Larry a note or call him and he'll share his secret, surefire cure for shingles to you.
Lily Jane has had her knee operated on. She isn't sure how come the right knee got older than the left one. Maybe some of those jumps she did on the cheerleading squad. Anyway, her recuperation is coming along fine although her physical therapist look like they are still in the seventh grade, they do listen to her when she threatens to pull all the hair out of their head if they lift her knee again!!
Enjoy our Christmas tree and the view of Bad Branch Falls. Wonder how many of us could hike up there this winter?
May 2010 bring you happiness, health and peace.