Anna Lee Sexton Thomas has had a stroke but she is on the mend. We are praying she is taking extra special care of herself now that the big wedding in her family is over.
Sarah Jane is soaking her feet in the ocean salt water and we are all hoping that will help her knees as well.
There will be a 30/60 second tape made available to anyone who wants to order it. It is of Charles Cook taking his aerobics class with his wife Ritter. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks!!! For anyone who orders that tape, a free copy of "The Big Green Huey" will be made available as well. Contact the Louisville Roving Reporter for more information.
The staff for the Yellowjackets '58 has expanded. We wish to welcome aboard our Letcher County Division Roving Reporter - James Adams.
We are looking for other roving reporters for Indiana and Ohio to keep up with our fellow 1958 Whitesburg High School Graduates who live in those states. Let us hear from all of you. Email your news to charcollins@insightbb.com.