Mr. and Miss Whitesburg High School, Margaret Day and Harold Ogelvie; Most likely to succeed, Ruby Jewell Craft and Ronald Newton Collier; Best dressed, Avanell Martin, Betty Lou Caudill and Ben Arnold Everidge; Handsomest boy, Andy Ray Boring; Prettiest girl, Nancy Ann King; Best personality, Patricia Fulton and James Reynolds; Couple most likely to marry first, Bobbie Sumpter and Lloyd Hodge; Cutest boy and girl, Ralph Polly and Edith Logan; Best allaround, Shirley Taylor and Major Harold Sparks; Most intelligent, James Stidham and Dana Joyce Adams; Most talented, William Raleigh and Barbara Holstein; Most popular, Sammy Blair and Annaleigh Combs; Best football player, Lloyd Hodge; Best basketball player, Wendell Meade; Track, Carlos Fugate; Most artistic, Betty Lou Adams Sexton and Don Walker; Friendliest boy, Jimmy Day; Sweetest girl, Barbara Gumn; Cutest couple, Emma Cornett and Willard Hall Jr.; Most serious minded, Wallace Proffi tt and Phyllis Fitzpatrick; Wittiest, Arminta Ison and Elmer Gibson; Old maid, Earnestine Short; Old bachelor, Teddy Fields; Neatest, Julia Adams and Charles Whitaker; Best bandsman, Phillip Bentley; Best pianist, Annette Raleigh; Best singing vocalist, Lillian Fraley.
The Wildlife Club (by Phyllis Fitzpatrick): The Wildlife Club of W.H.S., one of the largest clubs on the hill, has about 75 members. Their purpose is to preserve natural resources in the vicinity of Letcher County.
Mr. Cecil Caudill, sponsor of the club, along with 18 selected boys from the club, planted 5,000 trees on the farm of Elbert and Jack Fugate, which is in the Mayking area. Some of the participants included Harold Ogelvie, Don Sumpter, Lloyd Hodge, Major Sparks, James Caudill, Marvin Sparks, Gyles Williams, Gary Kincer, Wilmoth Kincer, Carlos Fugate, and Jerry Pace. Money received for the labor was well spent on the annual outing. Fiftythree members, along with Mr. Caudill, climbed to the top of Cowan Hill on May 9, the regular club day.
On May 11, 1957, a district meet was held at Allen. Entering were: Carlos Fugate, one-man rifle team; Wilmoth Kincer and Gyles Williams, two-man team; Rodney Kincer, archery; Billy Cooper Vermillion, casting.
The Wildlife Club has accomplished much this year and has more plans for the following years.
‘On The Hill’ by Betty Pratt
Annuals Arrive: The 1957 “Yellowjackets” annuals have arrived and everyone is very happy. Some are doubling up with laughter at some of the sneak shots we got. Here is a little history of this famed publication.
In the fall of 1956, Mr. Boggs called several names over the P.A. system and of course we all thought we’d had it. But when we got into the office, the news was very good. Janice Fleenor, Jimmy Day, Pat Fulton, James Reynolds, Ronald Collier, Eleene Adams, Arminta Ison, and I had been chosen to work with Miss Jan Combs on making an annual.
We were overjoyed, but we never dreamed there would be so much work to do. We went to work immediately, writing letters to business firms for advertisements. Then began the actual work. We took pictures, wrote articles, typed for hours at a time, kept all our copy dates and finally, on May 10, the finished product came. The “Yellowjacket” is here!! We all think it is a very good publication, and as editor I would like to say I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it.
I don’t think anyone should have a gripe about pep and school spirit this week! After that so-called “chewing out” the kids really showed the coaches what they can do!
Practically everyone was making signs or posters of some kind. Reba Hart drew a giant Yellowjacket, which is really something to look at. If you haven’t seen it, go look on the bulletin board in Mr. Bates’s room. Every noon, the cheerleaders were really going strong in the study hall. And of course, they showed them at the pep rally, Thursday night, at the pep meeting at school Friday morning, and at the ballgame. We got wonderful results too as the Yellowjackets stung the Benham Tigers 35-12 after a short delay of rain.
There was a Sock Hop after the Pep Rally. The purpose was to raise money for cheerleaders’ uniforms.
After the Benham game, there was a dance in the band room.
The P.T.A. membership drive started Monday, the 17th, and will last through Friday, the 22nd. The homeroom with the most parents joining will receive a prize. The grade school will also receive a prize.
On Thursday, the seniors had their first chance to really feel like “seniors” when Mr. Boggs called all of us to the auditorium for our very first class meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to get started selling magazines to raise money for the long awaited trip to Washington, D.C. This is a worthy cause and words couldn’t express the appreciation we will feel for each and every one who contributes. By the way, the person who sells the most gets a very lovely prize. There are three prizes consisting of watches, for the men and women, portable radios, and a camera with flash bulb attachment. So you can help your favorite senior get a lovely gift.
Miss Little must really be, as the saying goes, “getting the kinks out” of the girls in physical education class. Practically all the girls on the hill act as though they can hardly walk. Don’t worry, girls, Miss Little will get you in shape if anyone can!
Monday, the 17th, the upperclassmen met to elect class officers. The senior class president is Ronald Collier. He has, in the past, proved he is capable of holding this position. I’m sure Phillip Bentley, the vice-president, will be a great help to him. Last, but by all means not least, that cute gal Pat Fulton was elected secretary/treasurer. Congratulations!
Lots of things have changed on the hill this year. And for the best I might add, or maybe the people who rode fifth period buses last won’t agree. The Kentucky Board of Education says we must stay in school all day.
French is being off ered this year too. Mrs. Joy Wray Breeding is teaching it for the first time in two years.
(The above article from the Sept. 20, 1956 Mountain Eagle.)
The Black Kat Staff consisted of: Editor-in-chief Betty Pratt; Exchange Editor Margaret Day; Business Manage, Don Walker; Joke Editors Patty John, Edith Logan, Anna Lee Combs; Sports Editors James Stidham, Don Walker; Reporters Phyllis Fitzpatrick, Eileene Adams, Janice Bentley; Artists Ava Martin, Betty A. Sexton; Gossip Editors Ann Brown, Pat Fulton; Mimeograph Operators Ann Brown, Lil Fraley, Janice Bentley; Typists Arminta Ison, Shirley Taylor, Betty A. Sexton.